Takumi Hayasaka
Patent Attorney, Pharmacist
- After studying for two years and a half at Kyoto University, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering, and then acting as an instrumentalist for a few years, Takumi Hayasaka studied at, and graduated from, Chiba University, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science.
- Following graduation, he was registered as a pharmacist and worked for a pharmaceutical company in Japan, first engaging in studies for new products as a researcher, then providing technological support for both existing and developing international businesses of the company, and further, handling foreign patent applications, including drafting and examination procedures.
- In 1990, he joined a patent firm in Osaka, engaging there mainly in patent applications including their translation, and was registered as a Japanese patent attorney in 1993.
- In 1997, he opened his own office in Kitahama, Osaka, and has since mainly handled domestic and foreign patent applications in the field of chemistry including bio-pharmaceuticals, chemically synthesized drugs, pharmaceutical compositions, polymer materials, and inorganic materials, as well as devices and apparatus for medical and non-medical uses.
- In the field of medicines and medical devices, he in several cases represented clients in patent invalidation trials before the JPO’s board and trials before the IP High Court, and also attended the court procedure in a provisional injunction case.
- Since May, 2018, services are provided in the current name and place of the firm.
- Patent Attorneys Association of Japan (JPAA)
- International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
- Licensing Executives Society (LES)
- Kinki Bio-industry Development Organization
- Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO)